For those that ROCK THE CRADLE, we salute you!
Jayme Austin Photography along with Trucks & Tutus Boutique is running a Mother's Day contest. Just leave a comment on the "Rock the Cradle" post with your best mommy tidbit (the crazy conceptions, why you named your child that awesome name, the insane place you gave birth, a horrifying mishap of mommyhood, a tender memory ... you know what we're looking for) by Sunday, May 3. Two winners will be chosen and announced via blog on Mother's Day (Sunday May 10). One lucky momma (from the Baton Rouge area) will win a photo sitting and print package from Jayme Austin Photography, while the other lucky momma (no location restrictions on this one) will win a gift certificate to Trucks & Tutus Boutique! (all comments will be considered for both prizes, so leave yours on either blog...or both!)
Having twins brings lots of memories but the one Ill never forget was the day we were bringing Aiden to Karate and his sister wanted to know why he had to wear that protective cup to spar...well he told her without flinching "Its to protect my tonsils" ...yeah wehad a mini anatomy lesson that day :)
Amy Castillo hottnspicynurse@bellsouth.net
Hmmm...if I give you two, do I get two chances to win? =) These are both about Carly:
1) The week before we found out we were pregnant, we were talking about getting a dog and decided it was 'too much responsibility.'
2) We were sitting on the beach talking about family vacations and Christmas traditions when my water broke. I guess she was ready to get started on the fun!
Several months after my third daughter was born we were riding in the van and my oldest, 4 at the time, asked "Where was Allie(my 3rd) when Sara(my 2nd) was in your belly?". I thought it was a clever question albeit out of the blue! I answered as simply as possible "with God".
Those early sleep deprived days bring some of my funniest stories. During the middle of the night, within the first week we were home, I heard Lily crying on the monitor. I mumble to my husband to go and get her and he jumps out of bed and starts throwing the covers off of our bed yelling, "She's not in here. I can't find her." Our child never slept in the bed with us so I was a little worried, annoyed and angry all at the same time and I say, "She better not be." My husband stops, looks and me and simply walks out of the room to go and get her. We were deliriously tired!
Kate in Virginia
My precious Grandmother will be 80 this year. She has always been such a blessing to me. We grew up calling her Grandmother. Now she is a Great-grandmother 6 times over. My 4 year old never could say Great-Grandmother so he shortened it to Great Mother. It is a perfect title for such a lovely woman. Happy Mother's Day Great Mother!
I guess this is a Daddy mishap where Momma knew best!!
With my two year old, Morgan, I could literally write a book!! She has been able to speak very clearly since around 18 months so other people think it is funny to teach her all kinds of different words!! Some of Chad's family taught her to call her Mumsie (Chad's mom)a Jiggaboo! I hate any kind of words like this that are used as a racial label so of course I was MAD - Chad just laughed it off!
Chad was with Morgan in Target about a month later, and I guess the word pops in her head! She starts saying it over and over and over - louder and louder!! Chad gets so embarrassed and aggrevated with her as he tries to drown her out by saying Peek-a-boo - of course Morgan knows the difference and realizes she's pushing his buttons! The only people working at the registers were black ladies so they walked around Target forever!! Wish I could have been a fly on the wall to laugh at Daddy on this one! Needless to say - Chad doesn't laugh at stuff like that anymore, and he really watches what he says!!
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